26 May Team Mustard Ride No.2
With the Suffolk 100 Sportive fast approaching Team Mustard ventured out on a 18/19/20 mile (depending at what point you started recording on your bike computer!) lunchtime ride today in glorious sunshine.
The peloton consisted of Roger B, Gemma B, Ian D and Roger W – Morris B, incapacitated through injury, stayed behind and manned the studio phones.
Avoiding any watering holes along the way, we wound our way through the Suffolk countryside in blazing sunshine with Ian D blasting his way through the field up all the hills. Part of the route through Metfield was Roger B’s daily commute to work (at this point, Roger W reminisced how he was overtaken by a car on a blind corner!) And Gemma B was warming up nicely for her next Sportive in the Tour of Cambridge Festival next weekend.
Looking forward to wearing our Team Mustard jerseys very soon.